Veganuary: Three months on
Today is the 12th April 2017 - over three months since the beginning of January when I decided to try out a plant-based diet as part of Veganuary so I thought it was about time for a (very overdue ) update... Stir fry aka vegan food of the gods If I cast my mind back to before Veganuary, I was a committed cheese eater, a pizza fanatic, a milk chocolate scoffer - basically an all-round dairy lover. When I decided to give Veganuary a go, it was more of a move to challenge myself, whilst also kick-starting the new year with a bit of healthy eating after a whole lot of over-indulgence over the festive period. I didn't even expect myself to last a month - I was certain that after a few days the cheese withdrawals would get too much and I'd cave and scoff my face with pizza and chocolate but here I am, three months down the line and I'm still following a plant-based diet. Vegan Huevos Rancheros with Burmese chickpea tofu at Forge Bakehouse, Sheffiel...