Triple chocolate cookies

This year has literally flown past me within the blink of an eye and all of a sudden it's June and it's that time where deadlines and exams seem to be taking over everyone's lives. I'm currently working of the final assignment of my uni course and despite all of my best intentions towards the summer bod, a few sweets and treats are sometimes necessary to help power through those last few assessments. 

Cooking is one of my fave ways to unwind so when I found myself feeling a little stressed and drained this afternoon, I decided a spot of baking was in order. I decided to give this little recipe a try which resulted in what appear to be ten of the world's biggest triple chocolate cookies.

Here they are in all their gooey glory...

I'm not sure my picture really does them justice but they went down an absolute treat. I'm also loving this hand-painted plate from Waitrose - I think it's actually meant for salads but any excuse to get this little beaut out, it's so pretty and summery and I'm completely obsessed any patterns like this at the minute!


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