Rude Health Ultimate Granola: Review

I love granola, but a few months back, I made the discovery that it is a secret sinner when it comes to fat and sugar content. This came as a surprise to me because granola ultimately began as a health food - the breakfast of choice for hamsters and hippies alike. As granola began to soar in popularity, the supermarkets shelves seemed to fill with all different varieties of the stuff, each cleverly marketed as a health food when in fact the reality is often quite different. 

After becoming more aware of the misleading marketing ploys of supermarket granola, I have now become a lot more conscious of the labels on the back of my cereal products and eventually came across this little beauty... 

Allow me to introduce you to one of my favourite breakfast foods: Rude Health's Ultimate Granola. 

"We only use the kind of ingredients you would use in your own kitchen - nothing artificial, nothing refined and we source our ingredients from fields, orchards and vines - not laboratories"

Rude Health are an exciting company that make wholesome products completely free from artificial and refined ingredients and their products are available in both health food stores and supermarkets.

I am not lying when I say their granola is the best I have ever tasted, and its far, far healthier than any other granola I have found in a supermarket. As well as being super scummy, RH's granola is also wholegrain, organic and high in fibre with no added salt or refined sugars.

Ingredients: Oats, Sunflower Oil, Spelt Flakes, Honey, Barley Flakes, Date Syrup, Roasted Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Puffed Amaranth, Roasted Hazelnuts. 

Nutrition values:
Per serving (40g)
Per 100g
of which sugars
of which saturates
RH's granola is made from all natural ingredients and is sweetened by the naturally occurring sugars found in dates. The average granola packet on the supermarket shelves contains around 12g of sugar per serving - equivalent to 3 teaspoons. This is higher than the sugar content of a Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Doughnut (containing 10g of sugar) which is absolutely disgusting when you consider granola is marketed as a healthy product. Rude Health's Ultimate granola contains 4.4g of sugar per serving, almost 3 times less - a refreshing change!

Rude Health's granola also contains 4.4g of protein (the equivalent of a small egg). It is essential to eat protein in every meal, particularly if you are trying to lose weight so by pairing this with some  greek yoghurt, it is easy to get a morning protein fix without any eating any meat at all.

One thing I would criticise RH's granola for is that it does have quite a high fat content (10g per serving and 25g per 100g) - the government considers anything with over 17.5g fat per 100g to be labelled as high in fat. On the bright side, it is low in saturates which are the worst offenders health-wise in terms of fats.

I like to eat my granola with either fruit and greek yoghurt, or fruit and unsweetened almond milk. My usual choice in terms of fruit is frozen berries and a chopped up banana. They go perfectly with the granola and give a multitude of refreshing, fruity flavours. In summer, I also like to pair my granola with fresh pineapple. I know pineapple is not the first fruit that springs to mind when you think of granola but boy does it go well!

This morning I went for banana, grapes, raisins and almond milk with my granola as my supplies were limited. I am yet to find a fruit that I don't like with granola so I think it's definitely something to be adventurous with so go wild with whatever seasonal produce you can get your hands on.

I can't recommend Rude Health's granola enough, particularly if you're looking for a healthier alternative to the sugar-laced granolas that fill the supermarket shelves. RH's granola is at the top end of the scale in pricing (£4.99 for 500g) but you're paying for the quality of ingredients and a completely unprocessed product so, in my eyes, it's definitely worthwhile. It's also half price at the moment in Waitrose (£2.49) so what better time to stock up or give it a try!

Overall I would rate Rude Health's Ultimate Granola as follows:
Taste: 5/5
Nutrition: 3.5/5
Price: 3/5

Rude Health is available at:
Waitrose, Tesco, Sainsburys, Ocado, Whole Foods Market, Planet Organic, Budgens, As Nature Intended, Abel & Cole 


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