Breakfast Omelette: Recipe

For my first blog post I thought I would share with you one of my favourite ways to start the day - with a breakfast omelette. This is a really quick and simple recipe filled with protein which will keep you full until lunchtime whilst also being super healthy and completely unprocessed. 

1 egg
1 egg white
Seasoning to taste
Chilli flakes (optional)
+ Any toppings you like... my favourites include spinach, cherry tomatoes, cheese and ham

First off you need to crack one egg into a medium-sized bowl, then add the egg white of the second egg. I find the easiest way to separate the white and the yolk is by using the shells and pouring the yolk from one to the other whilst letting the white fall into the bowl below.

Once you have done this, lightly beat the egg and egg white together and add your seasoning to taste. Can you tell that I really like black pepper?

Next add in the chilli flakes if you want your omelette to have a bit of a kick. I find spicy omelette is perfectly accompanied by a cup of green tea as it makes the spice tingle all around my mouth.

Mix the beaten egg and the seasonings all together to combine, then heat a small frying pan on a medium heat and add a teaspoon of your chosen oil. I use either organic extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil as these are healthier fats than most vegetable oils but any will do! Then pour the egg mixture into the pan and tilt it to spread it evenly across the bottom of the pan. 

As the egg begins to cook it will become whiter and more opaque. The underside will start to brown and when it reaches a nice golden brown colour, flip the omelette over using a fish slice. This is the best time to add your toppings in, especially if they need a little time to heat through. Spinach should be added straight after turning the omelette to give it enough time to cook, whereas things like tomatoes or ham can be added once you have taken it off the heat if you wish.

When your omelette is nicely browned on the other side and your toppings have been added, slide the omelette onto a place, fold the two sides over to wrap it up and then it is ready to eat!

Thanks for reading!


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